Introduction: Pool Lounger With Built in Mist Sprayer

About: four tires and wheel? you've got yourself a deal

I noticed an issue with the current methods of lounging in a pool. There were several ways to do it like noodles, and inflatable loungers, but I wanted more...

This project involves taking a doner lounge chair and adding flotation as well as its own plumbing system with a mister for the chair's occupant's enjoyment. It was really fun to build and comfortable to relax in. I hope this instructable will let others have the same enjoyment I did.

I also wanted to make it look as fabulous as possible (goofy)

Step 1: Parts and Tools

This project required very little resources apart from the lounge chair itself, which I had lying around. After trip to Home Depot and Walmart I had everything I needed and spent less than $30.

You will need

  • 3x lengths of trusty dusty 1/2" PVC
  • 6x 1/2" 90 degree elbows
  • 2x 1/2" "T"s
  • PVC to garden hose hookup (two parts, one brass, one PVC)
  • PVC cement
  • Package of 16 in Zip ties
  • Many noodles
  • A mist sprayer end cap

...And the donor lounge chair, try to find one that is plastic and lightweight (mine had one of those things)


  • PVC cutters (not required, incredibly handy)
  • Nippers (cut zip tie excess)
  • Drill with bits
  • Box cutter

Step 2: Assemble the Plumbing

To begin constructing this lounger, put the donor chair in an open space and line up the two long sides of the PVC frame and cut them to size (same length). Measure and cut the two smaller sides of PVC, now a rectangle is created once the ends of the pipes are inserted into the 90 degree elbows. Make a cut in each long piece of PVC and place the "T"s in those. Once everything is dry-fit, you are ready to glue it all together. Before I glued, I hooked the hose up to see the water go through and splash around in it (very hot day). Then I dried everything off and glued it all together.

I won't put exact dimensions because its unlikely that you are using the same lounger I did. This is probably the most complicated step, so if you made it through this, you're good to go.

Let the glue dry for an hour before exposing it to water!

Step 3: Primary Flotation

After the frame was dry enough, I began to cut the pool noodles and attach them to the PVC. To do this, measure the lengths needed of the pool noodle in the spot its going, cut the noodles in a circle with the box cutter, then cut a grove in the noodle with the cutter. Slip the noodle over the PVC and secure it with two zip ties per piece of noodle.

I left un-noodled sections where the PVC frame met the frame of the lounger, but other than that, the PVC is basically completely covered in pool noodles.

This served as the main flotation for the lounger

Step 4: Attach Plumbing to Lounger

After the primary flotation was constructed, I connected the lounger to the flotation with the same zip ties as before. Each leg of the lounger is linked to PVC frame in the pre-determined locations.

Step 5: Create the Mist Feature

At this point in the construction of the lounger, I made the mist sprayer. To do this, I added a PVC elbow to the vertical piece that was sticking up from the rest of the frame. From that elbow comes a small length of the PVC. The mist end cap is screwed into a hole drilled into the pipe. Another elbow was added to the end of the pipe and we stuck a cork into the end of it to restrict excess water flow. Angle the mist sprayer in the direction of the lounger's occupants and test it out!

Step 6: More Flotation

I realized the primary flotation wasn't sufficient if I didn't want to be partially sitting in the water. I added further flotation with more pool noodles tied and threaded through varies places on the lounger.

Step 7: Lounge

Put the new contraption in the water, turn on the hose and relax

Experiment with the project, make improvements and modifications!