Introduction: Build a Nutcracker
This instructable describes how to build a nutcracker that is cheap, nice looking and that really works!
LI 1020BR
LI 1020BR
Step 1: What You Need
- A transformer taken out of an old usv. Mine was from a LI 1020BR from Best.
- A stone, a really nice on, mine was from a beach on teneriffe, from my last holidays
- Nuts ...
- A stone, a really nice on, mine was from a beach on teneriffe, from my last holidays
- Nuts ...
Step 2: Build an Use It
Take the transformer out of the usv and place it on the table.
Get the nuts and put them beside the transformer.
Take one nut place it onto the transfomer.
Take the stone and hammer onto the nut.
Yummy ... :-)
By the way you can use the transformer other ways too ... i use it for welding ...
Get the nuts and put them beside the transformer.
Take one nut place it onto the transfomer.
Take the stone and hammer onto the nut.
Yummy ... :-)
By the way you can use the transformer other ways too ... i use it for welding ...