Introduction: Bus Arrival Alarm Based on ARM Mbed WIZwiki-W7500

About: Embedded Firmware Engineer / Researcher. I'm Interested in IoT platforms and OpenSourceHardWare like arduino, Cloud, Web / App and product development.

Hi, Everyone.

I introduce my mbed project. I've making real-time bus arrival alarm device based on WIZnet WIZwiki-W7500 mbed IoT platform board. This device project for busy people in the morning. Perhaps, you could be more freely checking bus arrival without mobile phone by this device.

* This project made by korean. If you live in foreign country, you may need to be modified for Bus information system in yours.

Step 1: Concept

Step 2: Parts

For this instructables, you'll need next things.

  • WIZnet WIZwiki-W7500 IoT Platform board
  • Seeed Studio Grove Devices
  • A Computer connecting to Internet
    • ARM mbed platform provided Web compiler (IDE)

Step 3: Hardware Configuration

Step 4: Used Libraries

  • mbed / Ethernet
  • HTTP client
  • NTP client
  • Grove OLED display 96x96
  • Grove 4-digit display

Step 5: Get the Bus Arrival Informations

  • Note: These steps for using GBIS (Gyeonggi Bus Information System) in Korea.

Following next steps.

    1. Check and get the Bus number and station(bus stop) number you need.
    2. Get the Bus base information using openAPI (refer to below URL example)
    3. Lookup the matched route ID and station ID in route / station database using bus number and station number.
    4. Get the Bus arrival information using openAPI (refer to below URL example)
    5. Done

    Step #2 URL Example: Bus base information request (key)

    Step #4 URL Example: Bus arrival information request (key, routeID, stationID)

    Step 6: Import the Project on Mbed Web Compiler

    Visit follow link; mbed project repository

    Press 'Import this Program' button in Repository toolbox

    • Note: MAC address is the unique ID for your network device. It must be modified as your MAC.

    Step 7: Build and Run

    Enjoy it!