Introduction: CNC Writing Machine

About: Engineering Student in India

In this Instructables Segment we are going to see How to make CNC Writing Machine At Low Cost

Step 1: 2 CD-ROM

Now a days CD drives are not used regularly .So you will Get cd rom for cheap price

Step 2: Stepper Motor

Dismantle the CD- ROM so you will get two stepper motar

Step 3: Soldering

Solder the four leads in the stepper motor

Step 4: Frame

I made this frame by using CD-ROM chase and some old woods

Step 5: Y Axis

Set your "Y" axis stepper motor in vertical postion

Step 6: X Axis

Set your "X" Axis Stepper motor in Horizontal Postion

Step 7: Servo Motor

Servo motar used to lift pen up and down . So place the servo motor in Y axis

Step 8: Arduino

The Arduino Uno is one of the most common Arduino boards available, and it has some user-friendly features

Step 9: L2939 Motor Driver

Motor shield Used to control Two Stepper motor

Step 10: Wiring X and Y Axis

Step 11: Connecting Servo to L293d Motor Driver

Step 12: First Upload Your Arduino Code

Step 13: Secondly How Upload Your Processsing Code

Step 14: Press P to Select Port Number & Press G to Select G Code

Step 15: Output

Step 16: