Introduction: Cabinet Insert for Ironing Board

Hi. At the time I decided to up this together, I was a 62-year old paralegal working full time, so this was a weekend only project. I live alone and put this together alone. I have no carpentry experience.

I got a bug up my butt one day and had some wood, I think it's walnut, left over from a bed headboard. I decided I wanted to try to cut out a side of a wall in one of my spare rooms to insert a small ironing board since the big one took up so much space.

I took the headboard apart, sanded all the pieces down and painted them. Then I did some measuring (you'll see m flaws in the final product), and went to work. There is a picture of the brown wall I decided to cut into. I cut between the studs on the right-hand side, but found cables inside and I figured I would need all the space to back the structure in. With that in mind, I cut another hole on the left side hoping there were no cables. There weren't.

I went to working measuring and cutting the pieces of wood to size and started putting them together. I got the box on the left hole done, but didn't know what to do with the right side. I couldn't just leave a big gap. So I decided to cut another box for the right but did not push it all the way in since the cables were there. Then I decided to put a few shelves in that were also left over wood. I found a mirror out in the garage and put that up. I wanted to put a door up where the ironing board is but never got around to it.

I am very proud of my finished product, flaws and all. They are my flaws.

I am now 64, semi-retired, and enjoying my office space for side jobs as a legal transcriptionist, and am enjoying my free space.


measuring tape, sander, dremel, nails, hammer, wood, paint, and a little imagination.