Cardboard Poleyns (Knee Armor)

Nemesis-Perilous 'profile picture'

Intro: Cardboard Poleyns (Knee Armor)

Avoid those pesky arrows with your own Poleyns!

STEP 1: Materials


Duct tape

Brass fasteners


STEP 2: Starting

Begin with a circle of cardboard.

Fold it in half.

Fold it in the opposite direction on both sides of the mid fold to create the ridge.

STEP 3: Halfway There

Cut two slits about one third each into the sides of the circle, and fold.

Poke a hole through both layers at the corners where they overlap on each side, and use a brass fastener to secure them together.

STEP 4: Straps

Take a strip of cardboard and set it against the back of the poleyn as shown.

Poke two holes through both the poleyn and the strip, and brass fasten them together.

STEP 5: Strings

Use string to allow you to put it on.

Use a slip knot at the ends so you can adjust it.

STEP 6: Finished!

Use duct tape to color and you are done!

Sincerely yours,

