Introduction: Chocolate Chip Cookies

These chocolate chip cookies are gorgeous. When I think of self care I think of chocolate chip cookies. I would recommend letting this refrigerate over night I wasn't able to as I was giving some as a gift however if you get the chance I would recommend.


1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup caster sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1 egg

1/2 cup melted butter

1 1/3 cup flour

chocolate (quantity up to you)

Step 1: Sugar and Salt

In a bowl combine

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup caster sugar

teaspoon of salt

Step 2: Melted Butter

In a microwave melt half a cup of butter. I microwaved on 10 second intervals stirring and checking each time. It shouldn't take very long.

Add the butter and whisk

Step 3: Egg + Whisk

Crack an egg into the bowl. Whisk until smooth. A hand whisk works perfectly well for this recipe.

Step 4: Flour + Baking Soda

Sieve 1 1/3 cup flour and a pinch of baking soda into the wet ingredients.I highly recommend sieving the flour as it gives it a lighter consistency and will make folding the batter easier.

Step 5: Fold + Chocolate

Make sure to fold your batter. Don't stir or over fold as it can activate the gluten making the cooky bread-like. Add in as much chocolate as you wish (self-care) I used a bar (100g). I would also recommend adding dark and milk chocolate or add white chocolate for a range of flavours.


Use a spatula

Your essentially drains a semi -circle

Scrape around half the bowl and then cut down the middle


Step 6: Chill the Dough

Place the dough in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. The change in texture is evident. I would recommend chilling over night if you have the time as the flavours from the brown sugar can infuse further. Leaving you with a lovely toffee like cookie

Step 7: Bake

Scoop the dough using an ice cream scoop onto a lined baking tray (I used silicone sheets)

leave space between them (around 10cm) as they spread when baking

Cook at 180/350 for 12-15 minutes

Step 8: Done

These cookies are amazing. Once taken out the oven leave to cool as they will lose their shape if taken too early. These are amazing with a glass of milk as a self care treat.