Introduction: Cigar Ashtray
I made a few cigar ashtrays a while back for myself and my dad. Although I have a few standard style cigar ashtrays, I never used them, instead typically using a large conch shell I had found that had been split open. I decided I'd like a new ashtray for the shop though so I set to making one and here we are. I've been using it for a few months now and I love it, still looks great, I clean them off from time to time and put another coat of Feed & Wax on to help protect from the humidity and moisture where I live. The downside of living at the beach I suppose.
Step 1: The Plans
I ended up making a some changes during my build that don't show up in the plans. Really I just drew them up to give me something to do during class. The actual build was just me figuring it out as I went and doing extra little things here and there
For this project I used
- 4 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 7 1/2 pieces of oak for the top part
- 3 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 10 1/2 pieces of oak for the bottom
- glue, I used titebond III for the added heat resistance
- Blowtorch
- Tablesaw
- Chopsaw
- router if you want, I used a tablesaw for this part
- Clamps, I used 13 or 14
- sandpaper
- chisel
- Linseed oil (I later put on some Feed & Wax)
- wire brush (optional)
Step 2: Get Your Parts Cut
As I said before, there are a grand total of 7 pieces you'll need to cut, which I know can be overwhelming.
I set up a stop on my chop saw to cut the pieces to length.
Each piece is 3/4" thick
You'll want 4 pieces that are 1 1/2" wide and 7 1/2" long. These will be connected to form the top portion
Next you'll need 3 pieces that are 2 1/2" wide and 10 1/2" long. These will form the bottom
Step 3: Glue Up Process
Forewarning, you may be confused because some of the pics show burnt wood and some don't that is because on one, I burnt the wood before I glued the top and bottom and the other I waited till the end of the project.
Also, the blowtorch will cause the glue to burn up a bit and may weaken the joints, which is why on one I pre-burnt the pieces. This is all up to you, I have't had any trouble with either and they both look great. Just try to be careful will burning.
I glued up the top and bottom parts separately before glue them up. Not much to this step
Step 4: Cutting the Notches and Edges
For this step I took my ashtray to the table saw and picked a random angle I thought looked good. I believe for the notch it was around 45. As for the edges I just found an angle I liked and eyeballed it the rest of the way.
Once the notches were marked I straightened by sawblade and started clearing material. The left over was cleaned up with a chisel and rasp, then finish off with sandpaper.
The edges were done one every side, top and bottom
Step 5: Burning
I mentioned before that I burned one of the ashtrays prior to putting it together because I noticed the glue seams on the first one seemed to not enjoy being cooked. Luckily I had to foresight not to hold the flame over any part for long.
I burned everything a nice black and paid special attention to the seams, making sure not to weaken them.
After burning I sanded it down to show the grain. Some people prefer to use a wirebrush to scrape off the soot from a burn treated project. It's up to you.
Step 6: Finishing Up
After sanding the blackened wood down to your preference, oil it. I used linseed oil and then later I also applied Feed & Wax
Step 7: Enjoy
This ashtray has gotten a lot of use of out it in the last few months and I love it. I recommend cleaning the ash off every once in a while with a damp paper towel and then applying some more oil or feed & wax or whatever it is you use to keep it shining and sleek and protected.