Introduction: Cloud Ready Arduino Flowmeter
For this tutorial, i will show you how to configure an arduino with the
Adafruit flowmeter, send the obtained data to the cloud and use it for any proyect that you can imagine.
Step 1: What Would We Need to Start?
Step 2: Inserting the Code to the Arduino
The code return the quantity of mililitres passing through the flowmeter and every second send the data using data.print() via socket. But first you must conect your arduino to a modem/switch and configure the ip address and the socket to use in the code of the arduino ide.
How to get that data is up to you. You could use a middleware listening to the same socket that arduino is sending the information, get the date and insert it in to a database or use in the way you want it.
So just get the code and pass it to the arduino, configure the ip addres and the socket.
Step 3: Conecting the Arduino and the Flowmeter
The conection it's very simple, first conect the arduino shield on top of the arduino uno R3 then you have to conect the cables on the gnd,5v and 2 pins just like in the image, you could put a resistor on the 5v pin but it's not necessary.
Step 4: Conect to the Cloud
The last step is just conect the utp cable to the arduino ethernet shield and to a modem/switch you could conect it in the same modem/switch that you laptopo or pc, and if you configure correctly the ip addres of the arduino within the same network that your laptop or pc, you could send a ping to the arduino to verify conectivity.
Step 5: Recomendations
You could use this code to send information to a cloud app, or if you wanted you could use a lcd display and show of the information.