Introduction: Make a Coffee Cup Tissue Dispenser

I have invented a new equation.
Coffee Cup + Tissues = Win
It's simple. You know how you only need one of those 7 cupholders in your car?
You know how you need to keep tissues in your car, and in case you have to use them, reach into the back seat, eyes off the road, in an attempt at nose blowing salvation?
Well I have the solution for you
This DIY tissue box allows you to utilize the cupholders and have tissues

EDIT: Title sucked so I changed it. ENJOY!

Step 1: Materials

1. Old, Washed out, and perhaps drawn on (like mine) paper coffee cup
2. Scissors
3. Eco-Friendly Tissues (about 1/2 inch stack)
4. Coffee Cup lid


Step 2: Cut Lid

Slice a hole about 1/2 X 2 inches in the lid

Step 3: Cut Tissues + Fold

Using scissors cut the stack of tissues in half.
Then fold the top tissue of one stack into the bottom of the other. (it's easier than it sounds)

Step 4: Stuff Tissues in Box

Stuff the stack of tissues in the box while holding one of the tissues, then pull that tissue through the hole in the lid, And close it up

Step 5: Closing Thoughts + Contest Notes

Closing Thoughts:
Hope you enjoyed this, even though I don't drive, My parents love it
BetaCup Contest Notes:
The contest has certain judging parameters, and I would like to lay these out.
1. Waste Reduction-
       Millions of coffee cups are thrown away, and millions keep tissues in their car.
       Recycled coffee cups + Eviornmentally sound tissues = Waste reduction
2. Resources Required-
    NONE. This project requires $0 to make
3. Capabilities-
     Already Covered (:
4. "Whole Experience"
    See #1

Thanks so much for reading!