Introduction: Control Your Device Using Android WiFi Esp8266 Control
now we will know how to control devices using esp8266 WiFi module and Arduino
control your device using Android WiFi control
for more info. click the link mohamed ashraf
Step 1: Add Refrance Url
you can add this URL in setting - preference like the attached photo to download library and module
Step 2: Add Wifi Library
from tools menu choose manage library then search for (wifi dev ed) and install it
Step 3: Add Module Board
from tools menu choose board >> boards manger search for esp8266 and install it
Step 4: Upload Sofware to Your Esp8266
open the Arduino IDE file and change the (ssid and user name) to connect to your router
connect the power pins of esp8266 esp pin1 ground esp pin (8&6) to 3.3v of arduion
esp pin7 to 0 pin Arduino
esp pin2 to 1 pin Arduino
esp pin5 to ground only before upload the file
reset pin of Arduino to ground
then choose esp8266 board and it's board and upload the file to your esp8266
Step 5: Upload Sofware to Your Arduino
upload wifi_arduino.ino to your Arduino board
after that connect (esp8266 TX,RX )pin to your (Arduino 2,3) pin
Step 6: Smart Remote Software
install .apk file on your phone