Introduction: Cool Magic Duct Tape Wallet

About: I am a student who likes to build and tinker with things and I use my heritage as a basis for inspiration in my daily life.

Do you have a standard old boring wallet? Well this instructable will show you how to add some style to your wallet and amaze your friends with it's "magic"!

Step 1: Materials


-Duct tape: grey

-Duct tape: black

-starch paper from a folder or notebook cover

-Tools (scizzors, ruler)

(You don't have to use grey and black duct tape, that's just what I used)

Step 2: Cutting the Pieces

Start by making three 3x3 inch square.

Divide one into 3 strips.

Cut out the 3 squares and the 3 strips.

Step 3: Preparing the Pieces With Duct Tape

Start by placing black duct tape on either side of each square. Fold over on each side.

Next put the grey duct tape over each of the strips. Fold over the sides.

Step 4: Attaching the Pieces

Cut short grey duct tape strips to attach the pieces.

Now take two strips and attach them on either side of a square.

Attach the third strip to the opposite side of the square from the last 2 strips.

Now fold them all in and place the last square on top.

You can now attach that to the strips. (if you look at it from the side it should form an X)

Step 5: Finishing Up

The last part to do is to add more black duct tape over the parts that don't have any yet.

You can also add more just to thicken it up alittle.

It should look like the last pic on the inside too. (that part is tricky)

Step 6: Finished Product

Congratulations your done! If the side view looks like an X then you did it right.

Step 7: Functionality

To test its "magical" properties place a dollar in it and close it. Now open it the other way and it should be under the strips!

When you open it from the left it will appear one way, and it will appear another way if you open it from the right!

Let me know what you think in the comments.
