Introduction: Cow Sensor
For my first project as a student Mutimedia and creative technologies ay Howest Kortrijk I had to create an IoT project of my own. I chose to create a smart cow sensor that can detect if a cow is sick or not. With the help of a GPS-module, temperature sensor, hart rate sensor, and a ledstrip I could show if a cow is sick or not.
List of materials
- Raspberry Pi
- 2x ESP32
- MAX30101 hearbeat sensor
- Dellas 18b20
- gps6mv2 (GPS module)
- 1k resistor
- button
- Male to male jumper wires
- Female to male jumper wires
- Ethernet Cable
- Level shifter
- External powser supply
- LCD screen
Total price: 151 euro
Step 1: Schematics
The project exists out of 3 separate parts.
- the temperature module
- the hart rate module
- the raspbarry pi module with the GPS + ledstrip + LCD
The parts will communicate with eachother via bluetooth.
Step 2: Normalized Database
The tables
There are 4 tables.
- Devices (sensors)
- Historiek (history)
- Melkkoeien (cows)
- Veehouder (farmer)
Devices table
The device table stores data such as the name of the sensor, the price, type, brand
History table
The history table stores al the data that is captured by the different sensors.
The melkkoeien table stores the name of the cow, the food and birthdate
The veehouder table stores the name, birthdate, place where the farmer lives etc..
Step 3: The Housing
For the housing I chose to laser cut it.
The mdf plate has a speciale technic for connecting the plates.
All the plates will fall together like a puzzle.
You can find the download files in the description (
Step 4: The Code
The backend code
For this project it was realy important to use real time data because the we use a hart rate sensor and a temperature sensor. This is the reason why I used a lot! All the data realtime.
You can find the backend code in my github link.
The frontend code
The frontend code is designed mobile first. I use media queries for everyting else.
LINK to github repo: