Introduction: Create a Beautiful Vortex

About: I am re-inventing myself as an inventor, after too many years as a mechanic! I enjoy learning from Tesla disc Turbines, magnetic motors, and Crystal Quantum Radios. "All children are artists. The problem i…

This video shows how to create a beautiful vortex using the Tesla CD Turbine.

Watch as it's rope-like strands of water interweave. It's more than just a whirlpool; the magical structure of the spinning vortex represents the very mystery of life itself.

Details on building this Tesla CD Turbine are found in my Instructable called," Turkey Time Tesla CD Turbine".

A strong electric magnetic stirrer could also be used instead of the Tesla CD Turbine to create this vortex. The instructable from g0pher called " Magnetic Stirrer" would likely work, perhaps with mods to make it more heavy-duty. One could use my magnetic coupler with his electrically-powered magnetic stirrer for good vortex action.

Otherwise, build a Tesla CD Turbine and make your own waves!