Introduction: Creepy Simple Animatronic Skull Gardener
This is the Animatronic Skull Gardener for the Halloween 2017.
This year for Halloween, I have finally build the first operational prototype of my animatronic ! That's take me many time to build it and make instruction.
So, I will show you how to build this simple and cool animatronic.
What do you need ?
-Electric drill
-Reciprocating saw (or a simple wood saw)
-Manual drill
-Hot glue gun
-Soldering iron
-an electric mower (for decoration)
-Duct tape
-Wood screws
-2 long screws (5cm length)
-2 flanged nuts (for the long screws)
-Tin wire
-4 wooden log (100cm length; 4cm diameter)
-A polystyrene plate (2cm thikness)
-Polystyrene skull head (same size of an human head)
-Wood planks (1cm thikness; 10cm width)
-Wood block (22cm length; 10cm width; 8cm thikness)
-PVC pipe (5cm diameter)
-6 iron bracket
-iron wire
-Pair of choose
-Pair of trousers
Electronic Materials:
-Arduino Nano
-Servo motor:
like this:
-Electrical capacitor (100 micro F)
-2 red leds (5 volts or less)
-Electronic relay:
-Electronic resistor (220 ohms)
-PCB card for electronic prototyping
-Electronic cables
-female socket
-male socket
-220 volts elctric wire
-movement sensor:
like this:
Step 1: The Arms
Build the 2 arms
Step 2: The Legs
Build the 2 legs.
Step 3: The Body (part 1)
Start to build the body.
Step 4: The Body (part 2)
Finish to build the body.
Step 5: First Assembly
Assemble the arms on the body.
Step 6: Second Assembly
Assemble the legs on the body.
Step 7: The Legs Padding
Add the padding of the legs.
Step 8: The Arms Padding
Add the padding of the arms.
Step 9: The Head
Add the 2 red leds to the head
Step 10: The Neck
Build the neck.
Step 11: Third Assembly
Assemble the head on the neck.
Step 12: Thourth Assembly
Assemble the head on the body.
Step 13: The Relay Module
Step 14: The Arduino Nano
The arduino software:
#include Servo servo1;
const int movedsensor = A4;
const int relay1 = 6;
const int relay2 = 8;
const int eyes = 4;
void setup() {
pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relys2, OUTPUT); pinMode(eyes, OUTPUT);
pinMode(movedsensor, INPUT);
digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);
void loop() {
int a = analogRead(movedsensor);
if(a >= 400){
digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);
digitalWrite(eyes, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(eyes, LOW);
Step 15: Final Assembly
Step 16: Well Done !
Well... it's finnaly done !