Introduction: Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat

About: Dental hygienist
The kids have book days at school every year. This was a very popular costume.


Cardboard box
Box cutter
Paint Your choice
Yellow fabric
Yellow thread
Jacket/ bathrobe pattern
Yellow hat
Curious George doll
Fusible interfacing

Step 1: Suit

I made a suit out of light weight cotton fabric. I used a retired pattern for a child size bathrobe and pj pants.The pattern is no longer available. But, I have shared photos of the pattern pieces . Sew the 2 back pieces together.
#2 clip to dot.
#3 Press seam open above clip. Finish the edges below the clip.
#4 On outside, stitch right side as shown.
#5 Stitch fronts to back at shoulders and sides.
#6 Apply interfacing to one collar piece. Sew collar pieces together . Leave notched edge open between dots. Clip corners and turn right side our. Press.
#7 Sew collar to back.
# 8 Apply interfacing to lining.
The yellow hat . I bought online . Finish edges.
#9 Sew lining to jacket fronts
#10 Hand stitch lining to collar and shoulder seams.
#11 Fold sleeve and sew long seam.
#12 Turn right side out. Press. Finish the wrist seam. Sew sleeves to jacket. Press.
#13 Sew 4 button holes. Sew on buttons.

#1 sew front pieces together on curved edges.
#2 Sew back pieces together on curved edges.
#3 Sew front to back at sides and crtotch.

Step 2: Box

Use a box that is large enough for the child to stand or crouch in . Cut out a rectangle from the front of the box . Cut out the bottom of the box , so the child can walk. Use strips of cardboard 1/3 inch wide to make bars for the cage. Glue in place. Paint the box any color .
Use a rectangle of cardboard to make the city zoo sign. I used tape around the edges of the sign to give it an even straight frame.
Curious George was purchased online for $10 from Amazon.

Step 3: