Introduction: Custom Headboard Build and Finish

About: Recently started DIY project and now I’m an addict. I like taking old stuff and making something new.
I had an idea for custom Headboard and wanted to try to build and finish myself.

Step 1: Measure

I measured the bed frame and marked the boards to size needed and marked where met up with bed frame to attach later. I used 1x4x8 boards and 1/4 inch panel board.

Step 2: Cut and Glue

I cut the boards to desired length, then glued them in place. I flipped it over and secured from back using 5/8 inch nails.

Step 3: Place Cushions

I placed the cushions in desired pattern and cut additional boards to fill in. I glued them in place and nailed from the back as before.

Step 4: Stain

I chose a weathered grey stain and applied and let dry overnight.

Step 5: Glue Cushions

I glued cushions using liquid nails in caulk gun. I also secured from back using 5/8 inch nails.

Step 6: Finishing

I added various waxes to get a look I was happy with. I started with dark, then added white and silver. Finished with clear wax.