Introduction: Cute Tissue Box Covers

Some tissue boxes are plain and boring. If you want to add a little pizzazz to your tissues then this is the craft for you. These steps have instructions for a bunny, whale, unicorn, and elephant.


Items you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Paint and paint brush
  • Cotton balls or pompoms (or any other additions you would like)
  • Googly eyes
  • Black permanent marker
  • A tissue box

Step 1: Fit the Cardboard to Your Box

Use scissors to cut the cardboard to fit 5 of the 6 sides of the tissue box. Make sure to cut a hole for the tissues to come out.

Step 2: Make Your Cover

Use the hot glue to put your carboard together with the opening on the bottom.

Bunny + Whale: cut the tissue hole on the top

Unicorn + Elephant: cut the tissue hole on the side

Step 3: Cut Out Other Pieces

Use a marker or pencil to sketch out your additions onto extra cardboard and cut them out. Then, use the hot glue to place them on the cardboard boxes.

Unicorn: Cut out a unicorn head and glue it on the top.

Whale: Cut out a whale tail and glue it on the back.

Bunny: Cut out two ears and glue them on the top front.

Elephant: Cut out four small rectangles and glue the edges together. When they are dry, glue one end over the tissue hole.

Step 4: Paint

Use paint and paint brushes to paint the box.

Unicorn: I used a blue-green color for the body and yellow for the horn, but unicorns can be many colors including white, pink, and purple. Be creative!

Whale: I chose ocean blue but you could use gray, pink or anything you like.

Bunny: I think of light blue or pink bunnies but white and fuzzy is fun too.

Elephant: Ok elephants are gray but what about pink, now that is a cool elephant.

Step 5: Draw

Use a permanent marker to add faces and any other drawn on parts such as whiskers for the bunny and ears for the elephant. If you decide to make a pig, don't forget the curly tail.

Step 6: Add Accessories

Use googly eyes for the animal's eyes.

Unicorn: I added white cotton balls or pompoms for the mane.

Whale: Not sure what else you would add to a whale but have fun with it. Maybe add a horn and make it a Narwhal.

Bunny: How about some pink glitter or pompoms for the ear insides. Oh and a large pompom for the bunny tail.

Elephant: You could use a pipe cleaner for its tail, or give it some tusks.

Step 7: Put a Tissue Box in It!

Whale: The rectangular tissue box should be facing up so the tissues dispense from the spout on top.

Unicorn: The square tissue box should be facing sideways so the tissues dispense as the tail.

Bunny: The square tissue box should be facing up. I wanted the bunny to have a pompom for the bunny's tail so my bunny has the tissues come out its back. Kind of weird for a bunny to have tissues coming out of its back, but I got my pompom.

Elephant: The square tissue box should be facing sideways so the tissues dispense through the trunk. I hope it doesn't sneeze but if it does it will just sneeze tissues.

Congratulations! You completed your cute tissue box cover!