Introduction: Cute, Two-toned Tights

These tights/leggings are  easy to make, cute, affordable, and unique!
You and a friend can make these and each have a pair, great for Halloween and other occasions. 
Plus, It only takes 10 minutes!

Step 1: You Will Need,

To make these cute tights you will need;
-Two pairs of tights(different colors)
-Sewing machine

Step 2: Cutting

Cut off one leg where the crotch starts, of each pair of tights.
Make sure to cut of both right legs.

Step 3: The Confusing Part

Turn the white pair with the crotch attached inside-out.
Then slip the black leg(right side-out) inside the white leg(inside-out).
Confusing hmmm?

Now pin it together.

Step 4: Finishing

Sew the along edge where you pinned it about a forth of a inch from the edge.
 It's really important to make sure you stretch the material while your sewing it.
If you don't stretch it that you won't be able to get your leg in.

Turn right side-out and you're finished!