Introduction: DIY Art Frame

Let your creativity burst with this easy 3D do it yourself frame for your artwork! These set of instructions will help you make a cheap and affordable frame that is customizable to your liking.


§ Foam board (20" x 30" x 3/16in)
§ Exacto-knife

§ Cutting grid or mat (optional, but recommended)

§ Elmer’s liquid glue

§ Scrapbooking paper

o 2-3 sheets of 12” x 12” cardstock/scrapbooking paper with design

o 1 sheet of 12” x 12” solid color

§ Pencil

§ Markers

§ Ruler

§ Scissors

§ Popsicle sticks

§ Twine/string

§ Tape

§ Paper flowers, Ribbon, Adhesive gems (all optional)

Step 1: Cut the Foam Board

Measure and mark the foam board using a pencil into 2 different sizes: 17in x 14.5in & 10.5in x 13.5in. After measuring, cut the pieces out using an exacto-knife. Be careful when cutting; I suggest cutting slowly to achieve a straight cut and use a cutting grid.

Step 2: Glue Scrapbooking Paper to Foam Boards

Take the scrapbooking paper and glue it onto the 2 foam boards. You will have to cut the paper to allow for coverage of the entire board. Just gluing one entire piece of paper will not work. The bigger board should use two pieces of scrapbooking paper.

Step 3: Glue 3 Popsicle Sticks Together 4 Times

To give the frame a 3D popup effect, glue 3 popsicle sticks together 4 separate times. The 4 sets will coordinate to each side of the smaller board (left, right, top, bottom). Allow time for them to dry.

Step 4: Glue the Popsicle Stick Sets to Each of the Sides of the Back Part of the Smaller Foam Board.

Once the popsicle sticks dried, glue them to each side of the back of the smaller foam board. Allow time for it to dry. After they dried, glue the smaller board with the popsicle sticks side facing the bigger board. This should give your frame the 3D effect.

Tip: For extra support, place tape over the sticks that are already glued onto the board.

Step 5: Glue the Smaller Board to the Bigger Board.

After the popsicle sticks dried to the board, glue the smaller board with the popsicle sticks side facing the bigger board. This should give your frame the 3D effect.

Step 6: Tape Twine to the Back of Your Frame.

To be able to mount your frame on the wall, use twine. Cut 2 pieces of twine and twist them together. By twisting the twine, we will get a thicker and more durable string to use to hang the frame on the wall. Once you have your twine twisted, tape the two ends of the string to the back of your frame.

Step 7: Finally, Decorate Your Frame!

This final step is entirely up to your creativity! You can use anything you want to decorate the board. I bought my decorative supplies at Michaels Craft Store in the clearance section. I used ribbon, gems, paper flowers, and markers to decorate my frame. When all done, attach your artwork to the center of the frame.