Introduction: DIY Bottle Pouch Let's Reuse Plastic Bottles:)

About: Hi, Welcome To DevBroz my name is Devaj and my twin brother Devang we are 14 years old - Learn to make something from DC motors such as boats, cars, monster trucks, planes, drones, fans, and so on.

"Reuse plastic bottles and Save Earth"

Step 1: Things You Need

1) Plastic Bottle-2

2) zip-1

Step 2: Cut the First Bottle

First take one bottle and cut the upper portion and make it two pieces as seen in the picture.We require the large part of the bottle avoid the small part.

Step 3: Second Bottle

Take the second bottle and cut it's bottom portion as seen in the picture.Here we require the small part of the bottle avoid the large part.

Step 4: Required Parts of the Bottles

We require the large part of the first bottle and small part of the second.

Step 5: Stick the Zip on the Bottle.

Apply glue on the one side of the zip and stick it on the large piece of the bottle.

Step 6: Open the Zip

Open the zip,this makes sticking the other side of the zip into the bottle easy:)

Step 7: Glue the Other Side of the Zip

Apply glue on the other piece of the bottle and stick the zip.

Step 8: Now Close the Zip

Now our pouch is ready:)

Step 9: Video for More Information

Watch our Youtube Video for more Information:

Step 10: Now Fill the Pouch and Close!!

Let's reuse plastic bottles:)

Hope you likereading our tutorial.Please do drop a vote for us if you like the build.

Thank You,

Dev Broz