Introduction: DIY Entry Way Table

I recently moved into an apartment of my own, and wanted something near the door to put my keys and other things on as I came in. At first, I was using an office chair, but it wasn't working so well. I then remembered I had my old K'nex pieces stored away. It took about 4 hours for me to end up with this version (kept finding ways to improve it). For a base footprint for this I used a standard size doormat (the 4 outer corners of the towers are on the corners of the mat).

These the steps in roughly the order I did them in.

Rough piece count 900-1000.

Step 1: The Corner Towers

How I started was with the towers. I wanted to make sure this could hold just about anything I might be carrying through the door.

To that end I went with the standard cube design.

I first built 4 identical towers to roughly height I wanted, using the 2 piece, 90 degree corner connectors and the 3rd longest rods.

Step 2: The Cross Trusses

Using the same style of construction as the towers, I made 2 pairs of trusses to both support the table top and to connect the towers at the desired distances apart.

To connect the trusses and towers, I now went through and changed out 6 of the 90 degree connectors in the towers for either the 180 degree or the 360 degree ones. The (5)180s are on the outer face corner and top of the inside corner with the (1)360 below it as shown.

The 180s I used on the top edge of the trusses are there to help catch things trying to roll off.

Step 3: The Table Top

This step will take a little while to do. It will be easier if you pre-assemble the inserts for the table surface.

To span from the trusses, I used the #3 rod and the flat 360 connector. Then for the inserts, again used the flat 360; the #2 rod and the #1 rod, in the alternating pattern around the connector. Make as many as needed for your table top.

Connect the #2 rods to the connectors in the trusses and the span spaces. (The flat 3 point panels in the corners are just my OCD for not having unsecured rods floating.)

It was now that I went through and added the diagonal #4 rods in the towers and trusses.

Step 4: The Shelf and Bag Holder

So that I could always find my reusable shopping bags, I decided to put a rack on the open end of the unit. I also wanted somewhere to put my slippers near the door but not just on the floor, which led to the shelf.

Because I was running short on 90s at this point, I was forced to get creative for these additions. They are rather simple designs, so you can create your own.

Step 5: The Bottom

Because I know long legs like these tend to spread out over time with weight on them, I added the linking panels between them. Again changing out the bottom 2 corner 90s for 180s, then adding a new row of 360s to act as feet and give a touch more height.

The reason I had sized this to fit on a doormat was to have somewhere to put my shoes when I take them off as I came in. To make it a bit easier to get my shoes under here I laid the 'front' panel down flat.

Step 6: The OCD Finishing Touches

Because I like the patterns the diagonal rods make, I made sure everything lined up just right. I then went through and did things like this (see image).

At this point I had almost run out of the 2 piece 90s to use, so using the last few remaining ones, I extended the 2 'back' towers one to use as a coat hook and the other to hang my keys and other reusable shopping bag on.