Introduction: DIY Horse-Shaped Game Controller for Attack of the Bric-a-Brac

Hi! We are a team of 6 people and we were asked, for a school project, to do a cardboard Game controller for the game "Attack of the Bric-a-Brac" (link if you want to download it : So, here we are! We will show you, step by step, how to build a horse-shaped to play one of the game of AOBAB.

You can find this tutorial in french on Youtube!



  • 6 pieces of Cardboard 120x80cm
  • Rope
  • Scissors or a cutter
  • 2 gamepads (xbox or playstation)
  • Glue
  • PVC hollow pipe 14mm diameter
  • 8 mm diameter rigide tube
  • elastic
  • And everything you want to customize it!

Step 1: Conception It

First of all, divide all cardboard in small square like picture1, it will help you to draw the horse, you need to draw 2 carboards like picture1 and 4 carboards like picture 2, you have to do the support plate with the rest of cardboard you will have after cutting the horse. Picture 4 will help you to understand where support plate have to be placed. Picture 5 is to build the support of gamepad, make it in the same way of the picture. Same things for picture 6.

Step 2: Craft It

After drawing all the marks, use a cutter to cut out all the parts, after, that, you will be able to assembly all the pieces to

get our horse. Put the 3 support plate like picture 7, and then put the 4 pieces of picture 2 in it, like picture 8. Put the gamepads on their support and fix it with elastics and put it in the horse, slide the tubes in the horse too.

Tie the rope to the joysticks of the controllers and pass them through the slots of the tubes, as in the picture9.

That's it !

Step 3: Customize It

For this part, you are free to choose how you want to customize it ! Picture 10 is an example of how our group choose to customize it.

Step 4: Play With It !

Now you can play! Pulling the reins continuously will move the horse forward, and with your feet, pulling the left will move the horse on the left and same things for the right, pretty simple !
