Introduction: DIY - Magnetic Welding Clamp
Sometimes when welding does not easily attach the ground clamp.
For this type of problem, there are some commercial solutions based on magnetic clamps.
This is my cheap solution for this problem, good for hobbyists' work.
Step 1: Find a Magnet From Scrap
I find a magnet from scrap, you can use any type for this purpose.
The bigger the better because can lead most amperes.
Step 2: Fix the Magnet on Clamp
Fix the magnet on the welding clamp.
For this operation, i have used a bolt and replace the original bolt on the clamp.
Step 3: Test
Finally, I have tested the solution.
The welding, make with magnet clamp, compared with the welding make with classic clamp, it's same.
Step 4: Video
In the video, you can see how it works.
It's good also for block little pieces like a washer.