Introduction: DIY Nigiri Sushi Plush

About: hi i'm ADiEAN🌱 i like making things🌱

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make your very own nigiri sushi plush!

It's very simple and quick to make and can be used in lots of different ways. You can make one for yourself and lots more for your friends and family.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Materials You Need

Here's a list of the materials you'll be needing for this project. I actually used an old sweater for some of the fabric that I got at a thrift store for 99¢ and the stuffing is from an old pillow that was about to be thrown away. So try raiding your closet/local thrift shop for some of the things you need!

  • Fabric the color of the Nigiri you decide to make. I'm using a salmon colored sweater for sake nigiri
  • Black fabric for the nori. I'm using the inside of an old hoodie I don't want anymore.
  • Textured white fabric for the rice. I found mine in the faux fur section of my local fabric shop. Try to find something that looks as much like rice as you can find.
  • Sewing needle and/or sewing machine. You can do the whole thing by hand but I'm using both
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Stuffing. I'm recycling an old pillow for this. If it was a pillow used for sleeping make sure you wash it first!

Once you have all your fabric, cut it into the shapes shown in the second picture or depending on what type of nigiri you make. Make it as big or as small as you like, just remember your seam allowances.

Step 2: The Rice Ball

First you need to make your rice ball.

Put both pieces of white fabric good side to good side and sew around the edge leaving a space to flip right side out. Flip it then stuff to your liking with the stuffing.

Use a ladder stitch to sew it shut and you're done.

Step 3: The Fish

I added some details to my fabric first using my sewing machine but you can hand embroider as well. Next you just put good side to good side and sew around the edge of the shape you need for your chosen nigiri leaving a space to flip it around.

No stuffing is needed for this part so it lays flat on top of the rice. If you're making a big plush however, add a small layer to make it a little fluffy.

Then sew closed either by hand or machine.

Step 4: The Seaweed

Lastly, the nori.

Wrap the strip of black fabric around the nigiri and I cut it a little bit smaller since it's stretchy so it still keeps it together snug when it's wrapped around. If your fabric isn't very stretchy, then cut your fabric without the gap.

Sew it shut remembering to backstitch so it stays together when stretched around the nigiri.

Step 5: Assemble the Pieces

All you have to do now is put the fish on top of the rice and wrap the seaweed around to keep it together.

Make sure you position everything so you're hiding the closing seam in the rice with the fish and the put seam on the seaweed on the bottom.

No glueing or sewing necessary because of the seaweed but if you don't want to put seaweed then just glue or sew together.

Step 6: Other Options

Here are some examples of other types of nigiri you can make with different fabrics and shapes. Also some other projects you can make with these instructions with just a few small adjustments.

For the pincushion I put some sand in the rice part to weight it a little so it stays upright and to sharpen the pins. I made the whole project a lot bigger to make this super awesome nigiri pillow. And I put some catnip in the fish part to make it a super cute cat toy.

Hope you enjoyed this DIY and share pictures in the comments if you decide to make it!