Introduction: DIY Power Bank Using Laptop 18650
A DIY power bank using the 18650 laptop batteries, with 150watt inverter and USB ports.
Charging through AC or Solar
Step 1: 18650 Batteries
Extracted the batteries from the discarded laptop battery packs and filtered in the good 18650 cells
Charged each cell to full
Step 2: Battery Pack
3D printed the battery holder
Soldered the cells (45 in this case) to make fifteen 12.6v cells, delivering 33000 mah
added a 25amp Battery management system and balanced charging.
Step 3: Components
1. USB sockets
2. Regular wall sockets
3. 1.3 inch oled
4. 2 switches
5. Charging socket
6. LED for status indication
7. Arduino nano
8. 150 watt 12v DC to 240v AC inverter
9. Fuse
10. Step down buck
11. current sensor to track charging and load
12. Buzzer
13. fan
Step 4: Enclosure
Enclosure made out of 3d printed corners and control console and rest of the area from acrylic sheet of 3mm thickness