Introduction: Tape Measure Upgrade for EDC Pocket Knives (swiss Army Type)

About: I will try to upload mainly instructables which are done mainly with or for my Victorinox Cybertool 41. I find, this is such an amazing crafting tool, that you can do so many things with mainly or only this kn…
I wanted a ruler on my new EDC (every day carry) pocket knife, the Victorinox Cybertool 41.
So I decided to make myself a tape measure upgrade which can be easily done in different ways for any Victorinox knife.

Step 1: Print

Things you will need:

- 1x Din A4 sheet of paper, either white or colored, I used yellow

- cutter knife

- scissors

- metal ruler

- printer

- scotch tape

Print the file "Meterstick (cm and inches)" from the website on a page of color of your choice. Make sure to disable all "fit to page" options of your printer driver so that the tape measure won't be wrong scaled.

Step 2: Cut and Glue

The printed page now contains two tape measures of 1m both with cm and inch scales.
Decide which one you want and how long it shall be.

I found that 0.5m and 0.5mm thickness are good dimensions which should fit to any knife.

Cut everything out as shown in the picture with metal ruler and the cutter. Glue the parts together with scotch tape.

Step 3: Fit It Into Your Knife

Fold everything either to either 3.5cm (for Victorinox Cybertools) or 3cm length (for all pen kinfes with a cork srew).
Fit it in your pocket knife as you see it in the pictures.

Step 4: Be Ready to Measure!

If you carry your pocket knife (multi tool) with you every day, you will now have an auxiliary 50cm (or 20inch) tape measure with you all the time!