Introduction: DIY Turtleneck High Low Dress
DIY turtleneck high low dress!
What you'll need:
2 1/2 yards of polyester mesh fabric
2 1/2 yards of lining
dress form
draping tape
sewing machine
tape measure
overlock machine (optional)
hook and eye
22 inch zipper
Step 1: Lay Out Your Fabric and Measure Your Waist.
Lay out your fabric. Fold it so you are working with the fullness of the fabric. Selvages are NOT on one side, they are on both sides.
Measure your waist with a tape measure.
Step 2: Calculate Waist Measurement
Take your waist measurement and divide it by 4 and add 2 to that answer.
Waist / 4= ?
? + 2=?
Whatever that answer is take your tape measure and go down that amount of inches on the side of the fabric. Mark it with chalk then pivot your tape measure all the way around while marking it with the chalk. Keep the tape measure at the same spot on top, just pivot the bottom from one side to the other.
Step 3: Cut It Out
Cut out the markings from when you pivoted.
Step 4: Mark the Length
The side that is on the fold will be the front of the high low skirt. Mark the length you want you skirt to be in the front.
The side with the selvage will be the back and where your zipper will be placed. Mark it with chalk.
Step 5: Use Your Tape Measure
Take your tape measure and arrange it so that the tape measure is following the path of the markings you just made. It will form a half circle that will be shorter in the front than the back. Trace it and cut it out.
Step 6: Cut Out Lining, Hem All
Cut the lining out by using the outer skirt as the pattern.
Then, fold the outer skirt up a couple inches and cut the lining shorter than the outer fabric.
Roll hem the lining or just hem it.
Hem the outer fabric.
Step 7: Place Fabrics Together
Join the two fabrics together. Make sure it is wrong side (outer fabric) to right side (lining). Sew at top.
Pin sides and sew them together also.
Step 8: Make Waistband
Working on the fold. Take your waist measurement and divide it by 2 to get the length of your waistband. Mark it on the fabric.
Mark the width you want the waistband to be, I did 3 inches wide.
Cut it out and make sure it fits the skirt. Pin it and sew it in place.
Step 9: Make the Top
Use your dress form to design the top.
Drape it
cut out the muslin
add 1/2 inch seam allowance
place darts
mark your notches
Cut it on the fabric
Cut out the lining
Step 10: Sew the Lining
Sew the lining pieces to fabric so that they are one. Don't forget to put darts in lining also. Pin and sew the top together.
Finish off armholes.
Step 11: Add Gathering Stitch
Because this is a non stretch fabric I had to gather the top to prevent puckering. I made my gathering stitch 4 inches long. I folded the fabric in half and marked the middle point so that I would know where to gather. Also, I wanted the gathers to be centered.
Then sew the collar on.
Roll the edge of collar once and then twice, pin it and sew it down.
Step 12: Add Top to Skirt
Mark middles of top and skirt by folding in half.
Pin top to skirt and sew together.
Step 13: Add Zipper
Sew in 22 inch long zipper. Add hook and eye to top of collar.
Do a happy dance because it's finished!!!!!!