Introduction: Deer Antler Back Scratcher
Do you want to make your father something easy that he will love well here you go
Step 1: Get Materials
1 dowel
2 drill
3 drill bit as big as dowel
4 antler
5 empty shot gun shell
Step 2: Cut Tines
You need an end section of the antler
Step 3: Cut Dowel
My dowel is about 17 in long but that's up to you
Step 4: Drill Antler
Drill antler about one inch deep
Step 5: Add Dowel
Hot glue dowel into antler
Step 6: Make the Handle
To make the handle crimp the shell closed and push inside to open up inside
Step 7: Glue Handle to Opposite Side of Dowel
Fill the shell with glue and insert dowel