Introduction: Designer 3D Movie Glasses

Well, you probably won't be using designer glasses for this, but who knows!

I'm not a huge fan of 3D movies, and it's mostly due to the ultra-uncomfortable glasses. I can't imagine how bad it would be if you had to wear those crappy glasses on top of your real glasses, but I'm sure it would be pretty annoying. So, if you're a regular glasses wearer, you can use this instructable with the clip on sunglasses made for prescription eyeglasses and never have to worry about it again!

Follow along as I show you how to be super-stylish in the darkness of a movie theater!

Step 1: Things You'll Need and General Tips.


1. At least 1 pair of 3D theater glasses. You'll need 2 pair if you want to test them at home.
2. Donor sunglasses. They can be old ones, scratched ones, or brand new ones.
3. Tape. It doesn't really matter what type, as long as it can be easily removed from the lenses. I suggest masking or blue painters tape.
4. Scissors or an X-acto knife. I used scissors.
5. A marker or pen.


1. Try to find the flattest-lensed glasses you can. Curves, especially compound curves, makes this ALOT tougher.

2. Grab a few pairs of 3D glasses from the recycle bin on your way out. You'll probably mess up and it's nice to have spares. This borders on stealing, so you might want to ask the theater first.

3. Wear gloves of some sort when making these. I didn't, and it was pretty tough to get all the oils off the lenses, which is really annoying!

4. If you're going to buy the donor sunglasses, I suggest labeling the lenses of the 3D glasses first, then removing one of them from the frame. Then, take this lense with you to help determine the best donor sunglasses.

Step 2: Label Each Lense.

If you don't do this and you flip one or both of the 3D lenses the wrong way, it won't work! I found this out the hard way by making a trip to the theater to test them.

Make sure you'll be able to place the lenses back in the same orientation that they were in when in the glasses.

Step 3: Remove Lenses From Both Frames.

First, you'll need to remove the lenses from the frames of each pair of glasses. I can't really tell you how to do it with your pair of sunglasses, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

For the 3D glasses, it's fairly easy to remove the lenses. There are two pieces of plastic, and the lenses are sandwiched between them. All you have to do is open the earpieces, and then bend them down while holding the frame in place. Try not to break the hinge part of the earpiece, but don't worry too much about it because you have two chances.

If you break both earpieces, you can still break the frame apart. Insert a thin blade (an Ex-acto or very fine flat blade screwdriver) between where the two halves meet, then twist and pry until they pop apart.

Once you have one side open, you should be able to open it up the rest of the way.

Step 4: Cut Out the New Lense Shape.

Making sure to keep the lenses aligned correctly, roll your tape together to make it double sticky. Place it on the inside (side towards your face when you're wearing them) face of the sunglass lense.

Now position the corresponding 3D lense beneath the sunglass lense so as much of the 3D lense is overlapped as possible. If you can't get the entire lense covered, leave the uncovered space on the part furthest from your nose. This will make it less noticeable in the theater.

If you're using an X-acto knife, you should probably trace the lense first, then separate them and begin to cut.

If you're using scissors, you might want to trace the lense as well, but I didn't. I just used the sunglasses lense as a pattern. If you go this route, make sure not to angle the scissors to allow you to cut under the lense. If you do, it will be too small! So when in doubt, cut it too big.

Step 5: Install the 3D Lenses

Once you have both lenses cut out, it's time to put them in the new frames. Don't remove the label until you have both lenses in the frame. It might take a little bit of trimming, but it shouldn't be too bad. The flatter your original sunglass lenses are, the less trimming will be necessary.

Once both lenses are in the frame, you can remove the labels. I put a small L and R in the top outer corner, so if the lenses fall out later, I'll be able to put them back quickly.

Step 6: Test Them Out!

The most entertaining way to do this is obviously "go to a 3D movie" but there is a more scientific way, if you have another pair of 3D glasses.

Wearing your new glasses, look at the other pair as if someone else were wearing them while facing you. You should see:

1. From your right eye, the "other person's" left eye lense (on your right) should be blacked out, almost 100% while the other lense shouldn't have any black-out. (Photo 2)

2. From your left eye, the "other person's" right eye lense (on your left) should be blacked out as well, with no black-out on the other lense. (Photo 3)

If you place your new glasses nested with the unmodified pair (facing the same direction) you shouldn't see any black-out. (Photo 4)

Step 7: Go Test 'em for Real!

Enjoy lookin' good in custom comfort while everyone else is dealing with their stock glasses. Then, on your way out, tell everyone about my instructable!

And silence your freakin' cellphones...