Introduction: Deviled Dill Eggs With Salmon Roe

About: Everything needs a garnish. Let's talk food! Follow me on Twitter: @garnishgirl
This recipe makes a great cocktail party hors d'oeuvres. The creamy paprika filling is made with Greek yogurt, so it's guilt free, and the salmon roe are, well fancy! Chopped dill and red onion make a pretty garnish. And it's still healthy? Absolutely.

Step 1: Ingredients

6 eggs
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/4 cup dill, fresh, stems removed
1/8 red onion, peeled
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 jar of salmon roe

Step 2: Boil the Eggs

1. Cover the eggs with one inch of water in a medium saucepan. On high heat, bring to a boil. At the boiling point, set a kitchen timer for ten minutes. Continue to boil the eggs on high until the timer goes off.

2. When done, run cold water over the eggs until they are cool to the touch. Crack the larger ends, where the natural air bubble is. Add to an ice bath for 15 minutes before attempting to peel.

3. When peeling, start with the cracked ends. The trick is to go slowly- if a shell is sticking, crack it more and add it back to the ice bath.

Step 3: Prepare the Filling

4. Finely mince the 1/4 cup of fresh dill. Hold in reserve.

5. Divide the onion into quarters and slice each down the root. Mince one of the quarters, stopping halfway down the onion.

6. Set half the minced onion aside for garnish, and put half in a medium bowl.

7. In the same bowl, add the  1/2 cup Greek yogurt, salt, pepper, and paprika. Whisk thoroughly.

Step 4: Make and Pipe the Filling

8. Cut each egg in half and pop out the yolks.

9. Crush the yolks into the Greek yogurt filling, and blend until creamy.

10. Add the filling to a piping bag with a small, star shaped tip.

Alternatively, turn a zip lock bag into a piping bag by cutting a small centimeter sized hole in one quarter, pressing a piping tip in, and turning it on the diagonal.

11. Pipe each egg with a swirl.

Step 5: Garnish the Eggs

12. Sprinkle dill and onion onto each egg, using tweezers or a fine spoon.

13. Open the can of salmon roe. Carefully, without crushing the roe, add 3 to 5 to each egg half. The more you add, the fishier the appetizer will taste.

14. Serve immediately. Keep any extras in the refrigerator in a storage container.