Introduction: Digital Clock and Humidity/temperature Display

Well Hello there,

This is my first attempt to do a DIY. I did this project during the summer and decided to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy doing it as much as I did :)

For this project I assume that you have some very basics in electronics ( like you know how to use a soldering iron and you know what a resistance is).

Formalities done, let's talk about this awesome digital clock.

As shown in the image above the clock module show :

- the time as hh:mm (format 24h)

- the date as dd:mm:yy

- the day of the week (p.s. an english version exist)

- the temperature in degree celsius [°C]

- the humidity in percentage [%]

It can also :

- do a 'disco' game of light with the yellow, red and blue LEDs, when music is playing. Audio signal is inserted from the two connectors on top of the case.

- Play music from your mobile phone with the speaker built-in

- Change automatically the color of the RGB LED during the day and the night. (for example it's yellow in the morning, red at midday, blue in the afternoon, etc.)

- Switch OFF the blacklight of the LCD

All the electronic is powered through a USB cable (5 VDC).

Caution : A real time module is not yet implemented. It means that if the digital clock is no more powered or is shut down, the next time it is powered ON it will display the time when you downloaded the code to your Arduino board.


EDIT 20.12.2016 : A new version of the software is available.

Issues fixed :

- no more delay with the real time

- display of the day in english now correct

- pinout not implemented yet in comments


P.S. (1) I did everything with what I found in my house, I did not buy anything. Feel free to adjust with what you already have.

P.S. (2) The project is operational. A new and better project is in process. It will features real time clock module, infrared led to control the electronic with the mobile phone, and other features :)

P.S. (3) If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I usally respond within the week :)

Step 1: Material Required

If you don't have exactly all the materials, you can always change it a little bit with what you already have.

The wood's pieces are not of very good quality but for this project it's more than enough.

Step 2: The Box

I recommend to saw a little more (or if it's in the piece of wood : a little less) than the dimensions as shown in the pictures. Like that you can always adjust your pieces of woods.

I painted the wood's pieces with special painting for woods. It makes it more resistant and beautiful.

All the dimensions are in mm.

Step 3: Electronic Circuit

The schematic is done with the soft called Fritzing. ( , open source and free)

I did not show the power supply in these schema to keep it easy and simple to do. It is 3.3 VDC or 5 VDC. Check the datasheets or directly the components to know the tensions to apply.

Step 4: The Code

Download the code and upload it on your Arduino Due with the Arduino Software (

You have to change the default date and hour in order to make it fully operational.

Don't worry if you're new to the world of programming, the parameters that you must or can change to personalize your clock module is clearly noted and commented.

Step 5: The Cable for the Music

To use the speaker with the banana connectors on top of the case you must create a cable.

You must have : one jack cable and one banana cable

Cut and strip the two cables. With the ground wire of the jack cable (the copper one who doesn't have a plastic) you weld it with one end of your now two banana cables.

With one of the two remaining wires of your jack connector, weld it with the other end of your banana cable.

Isolate everything (we don't like short-circuit :)) and it's done !

You have made a new kind of cable.

P.S. If you don't have the appropriate materials to isolate the wires, don't worry. You can always use paper and tape between the wires to fix everything. It's not pretty but it works. The paper is isolant.

Step 6: Final Assembly

To make it easy to assembly, try to respect at your best this protocol.

1) Start to glue (with wood glue obviously) the bottom, left side, right side and front side.

2) When the glue is dry, put the electronic assembly inside the box. Put correctly the LCD, temperature and humidity sensor and finally the RGB LED. You may need to use some glue to fix everything if the dimensions of your woods pieces are not so precise.

3) After that, fix the 3 leds (yellow, red and green), the speaker, the females bananas connectors and the switch ON/OFF to the top side. Again you may need to use some glue.

4) Glue the top side to the box.

5) Fix the female connector usb 2.0 to the bottom side of your piece.

6) Finally, glue the last piece of wood (the back piece) to the box.

7) Voilà !

Step 7: Conclusion

CONGRATS the project is over !

Your little DIY is fully fonctionnal :)


Personnaly, tt's been now 3 months that it is in function. (state : 16.10.2016)

For the future I will try to put a real-time clock module, so if the device has a power cut, I will not have to upload again the code to the arduino due. The recovery of the time will be automatic.

I will eventually put an infrared led. So I can change the date, hour etc with my mobile phone or an universal remote.

If I do it with my mobile phone, I'm going to make a little application for the phone.

If you have any trouble to do this project, you can always ask me. It will be my pleasure to try to resolve your problems :)
