Introduction: Display Cabinet

About: I'm a professional graphic designer by trade and love art, but many times would rather be outside working with power tools or heavy equipment. Anything more manly than sitting in front of a computer all day.
I began this project with materials from the old family farm. The bulk of this cabinet was built with thick redwood that made up the barn silo. The door frames were built from the barn siding, with some of the paint still attached. When I was a little tike, I collected toy tractors. They eventually ended up in boxes until I got married and we bought a house. Then, it was time to get my collection back out for display. I drew up the plans and went to work. I hope you enjoy it!

Step 1: In the Beginning

This is what the redwood looked like when I started. First, I had to run them through the table saw, cutting off both the tongue and the groove. Then came the planer. This removed the paint, wear and tear, some of which I left behind for character.

Step 2: Laminating the Boards

Once the boards are cut and planed, it's time to glue them together to form larger boards. I used C-clamps and scrap wood to make sure they're all level with each other. Then the larger, hand-tightening clamps are used to press them together. Let the glue dry overnight. Because of the cabinet's size, this process needs to be done for every shelf and side.

Step 3: Building the Frame

Once you've got all of your boards cut to length and width, it's time to build the frame. On the two sides, I made dado cuts (grooves across the width) for the shelves to slide in, and then use wood screws from the outside to fasten. These cuts were made with a special dado blade on the table saw. This method is much more stable than simply attaching the shelves flush with the sides.

Step 4: Glass Doors

These doors are built with original barn siding. They're first cut to length and then ripped to width. I then cut a groove on the inside of each piece, so the glass could slide in. They are cut at 45 degree angles and screwed together. Do three sides, slide the glass in, then attach the fourth side.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Then, you attach the back, the hardware and any other accessories you wish. I chose to put glass shelving within. I also put a light in the top for a warm appearance. The redwood has two coats of polyurethane for a nice finish. Hey, if you work in an office all day but love to build stuff at home, then check out my site. Thanks for your interest!