Introduction: Diy Mascara

In this instructable I will show you how to make your own mascara from items you should be able to find in your home.

Step 1: Supplies

•bag balm or Vaseline/petroleum jelly

•paper plate



•clean mascara brush (optional)

•Q-tip (optional)

Step 2: Making the Mascara

Scoop out some bag balm or Vaseline.
Then scrape of some eyeshadow I'm using black but you could use a different color to make it a different color (obviously) then mix it all up. If it's too light put in more eyeshadow in.

Step 3: Quantity of Bag Balm

(I am making my mascara with bag balm)
If you plan on making a one time use mascara only take a little bit of bag balm. If you want to make more than one time use take a bigger blob make sure you have a small container to put the mascara in. I am making a one time use but it's totally up to you on the quantity of the mascara. ( I know my bag balm looks like earwax eww lol)

Step 4: Applying

Use a clean mascara brush, toothpick, or Q-tip to apply the mascara. In the pics I'll show you before and after results*.

*pic#1 after pic#2 before

(Warning this mascara tends to get messy so plan on wearing it for a short period of time or make sure to have some makeup remover, Q-tips and a small mirror.)

Step 5: Removal

Wash your face with water and the mascara should come off then take a paper towel and take of any access mascara.