Introduction: Drawdio on Stripboard - Animation Part 1
Part 1 shows the preparation of the stripboard, position of the jumpers and the complete build-up of the electronic components in the order of soldering.
The parts list is as follows:
Stripboard (veroboard) 21 holes x 5 rows
Coloured wire for the jumpers
IC1 TLC551 low voltage 555 timer chip
IC socket 8 pin
PNP transistor 2907
NPN transistor 2222
680pF ceramic capacitor
0,1uF ceramic capacitor (104)
100uF/10V capacitor x2
1/4W 10K resistor
1/4W 300K resistor
on/off switch
AAA battery holder
8ohm 1/5W mini speaker
Copper foil tape
Drawing pin (thumbtack)
Male and ring terminal connectors
Cable ties x2
Insulating tape
AAA battery
2B pencil
The parts list is as follows:
Stripboard (veroboard) 21 holes x 5 rows
Coloured wire for the jumpers
IC1 TLC551 low voltage 555 timer chip
IC socket 8 pin
PNP transistor 2907
NPN transistor 2222
680pF ceramic capacitor
0,1uF ceramic capacitor (104)
100uF/10V capacitor x2
1/4W 10K resistor
1/4W 300K resistor
on/off switch
AAA battery holder
8ohm 1/5W mini speaker
Copper foil tape
Drawing pin (thumbtack)
Male and ring terminal connectors
Cable ties x2
Insulating tape
AAA battery
2B pencil