Introduction: Drill Bits Boxes

Hello My fellow Instructables these are my DIY drill bit boxes, Super easy to make


for this, we need wood, plywood, wood glue, wood dowels, small nails, or a nail gun table saw or band saw or just a saw, drill and drill bits, or a drill press

Step 1:

set the drill bits in size order then mark the location with a pencil and drill the holes making sure that the holes are drilled at the same depth

Step 2:

cut two pieces 1-inch x as tall as your biggest drill. at each end of the wood where the drills go drill a hole and also to each side you are making a frame to this frame attach a backing but leave the bottom exposed so the wood with the drills is able to move freely

Step 3:

now all we have to do is make a box that will house the frame and presto now you have a nice box with your drill bits secured