Introduction: Drip Irrigation Home Garden for Window Sill, Roof or Backyard
This was a simple classroom project for an Environmental Science Class. It is a drip irrigation system using infusion system for any herbs or vegetables. majority of the materials were recycled or reclaimed including reclaimed wood, plastic bottles, used sandwich boxes, and an old plastic pot.
Step 1: Materials
What you need for the drip irrigation system:
1. Wood (we used reclaimed wood)
2. Saw (handheld or manual)
3. Drill and drill bits
4. L brackets
5. Screws (short and long)
6. Your favorite herb/vegetable seeds
7. Infusion set (medical)
8. Container (Used plastic sandwich boxes were used in this project)
9. Long flower pot 1
0. Soil
11. Plastic water bottles
12. Scissors
13. Paper Knife
14. Hot glue
Step 2: Making the Drip System
1. Drill a hole in the bottle cap
2. Hot glue the inlet of the infusion system to the cap
3. Adjust the length of the tube as desired
Fill up with water and its ready to go.
Step 3: Build a Frame
Build a triangle frame (it can be on your window sill, roof or on the ground in your backyard). Drill holes that are big enough for the water bottle to be positioned downwards. You can build however many levels you wish but make sure the seedling containers have holes for the excess waster to drip down to avoid water logging or over watering.
Step 4: Other Ideas
You can have one water container as the water source for 4 or more plants at a time, which will save you time and effort. Your best bet is the fish store for a divider like this one.
Please leave a comment if you have better ideas or room for improvement! if you like this project, please like/vote/share. Thanks!
Finally, I would like to send my gratitude to my colleagues, admin, support staff of American School of Ulaanbaatar and my students (Delgerchimeg Altankhuyag, Khulan Dangaasuren, Yumchigmaa Atarbold, Khulan Enkhbold, Enkh-Orgil Gankhuleg, Kim Moonhan, Damdinsuren Oigongerel) who are passionate about the environment.