Introduction: Duct Tape/Bamboo/Drop Cloth 'WingKite'

About: Hmmm...I was just trying out the name to check the availability :( ahh well...they're cool guys! I'm a teacher/tinkerer/outdoor kinda guy. Bamboo is the most incredible renewable construction materi…
Bamboo is a tough, natural, multi-use substance that is readily available in the summer and has been used for ages in a wide range of activities. Here’s our Instructable for how to make a duct tape, bamboo and ground cloth ‘WingKite’ for use with a skateboard, kayak, surfboard, etc.

This ‘Kite’ has a 14 ft. wingspan and covers about 4.7 sq. yd. (Be safe! Don’t ‘fly’ without a parachute!)
Seriously, this ‘WingKite’ can be scaled down for heavy wind or smaller surfers. Don’t use this size kite in more than a 10 or 15 knot wind unless you’re skilled!

Step 1: Step 1: Gather Materials

Materials: Duct Tape, Bamboo, 1/8” nylon cord, 8’X12’ Plastic Drop cloth
Tools: Saw for cutting Bamboo, Scissors for cutting tape, cord, and drop cloth

Step 2: Step 2: Cut Bamboo Pieces to These Lengths:

¾ to 1 inch diameter
            2 – 8 ft. long for the wing leading edge
            3 – 1.5 ft. long for the boom supports
            1 – 5 ft. long for the spar
            1 – 5 ft. long for the boom

½ to ¾ inch diameter
            2 – 1.5 ft. long for the wing tips
            1 – 6 ft long for the centerpiece

¼ to ½ inch diameter
           1 – 6 ft. long for the center batten
           2 – 4.5 ft. long for the middle battens
           2 - 3 ft. long for the outer battens

Step 3: Step 3: Assemble the Wing: (the Wing Will Be Assembled Upside Down)

Tape together the wing leading edge pieces at a 120 degree angle

Step 4: Step 4: Tape the Spar to the Wing Leading Edges

Step 5: Step 5: Tape the Wing Tips Parallel to the Centerline Approximately 6 In. From the Outside Tip of the Wing

Step 6: Step 6: Tape the Front Boom Support to the Front End of the Boom

Step 7: Step 7: Tape the 2 Side Boom Supports to the Front End of the Boom

Step 8: Step 8: Tape the Front Boom Support to the Center of the Wing Leading Edge Where the Left and Right Sides Meet

Step 9: Step 9: Tape the 2 Side Boom Supports to the Wing Spar

The boom should be elevated about 1 ft. above the spar

Step 10: Step 10: Tape the Centerpiece to the Middle of the Leading Edge and Then to Back End of the Boom

Step 11: Step 11: Center the Boom and Tape the Centerpiece to the Spar

Step 12: Step 12: Tie 1/8 In. Nylon Cord

to the end of wing leading edge then to a wing tip end then to the trailing end of the boom/centerpiece, opposite wing tip end and then the end of the other wing leading edge

Step 13: Step 13: Covering the WingKite

Spread the 8 ft. by 12 ft. plastic tarp and place the ‘WingKite’ frame on top of the tarp to fit

Step 14: Step 14: Tack Tape the Drop Cloth to the Frame

Step 15: Step 15: Cut Away the Excess Plastic Material

Leave about 1 inch margin all around the kite bamboo frame and trailing edge cord for overlapping and taping

Step 16: Step 16: Starting at the Center of the Leading Edge, Pull the Plastic Tight and Fully Tape It to the Bamboo

Step 17: Step 17: Draw the Plastic Tight at the Rear of the Boom/centerpiece and Tape It Securely

Step 18: Step 18: Draw the Plastic Tight, Fold It Over the Nylon Cord and Tape It Securely

Step 19: Step 19: Measure 30 Inches From the Boom and Mark the Plastic at the Rear of the Wing

Step 20: Step 20: Lay Duct Tape From the Leading Edge of the Wing Where the Spar Joins It to the 30 Inch Mark at the Back Edge of the Wing

Step 21: Step 21: Measure 30 Inches From the First Batten and Mark the Plastic at the Leading Edge and Rear of the Wing

Step 22: Step 22: Lay Duct Tape From the Leading Edge of the Wing to the Rear of the Wing

Step 23: Step 23: Lay Duct Tape Directly Beneath the Centerpiece

Place a 6 in. tall item between the centerpiece and the plastic to give you room to work

Step 24: Step 24: a Short Bamboo Brace Between the Centerpiece and the Center Batten, About Even With the Spar, Will Give the Wing a Nice Curve

Step 25: Step 25: Make Duct Tape Pockets for the Ends of the Battens

Step 26: Step 26: Cut the Battens to Length and Wrap the 'nodes' With 1-2 Layers of Duct Tape for Cushioning Then Insert Them Into the Pockets So That the Plastic Is Stretched Tightly

Step 27: The Finished WingKite Weighs About 15 Lbs

Video of WingKite and ‘GrasSurfer’ coming soon!
Be Safe!!!
Kia Kaha!