Introduction: Dust Proof Room for Garage & Workshop

About: Hey there! Welcome to my Instructable Page! I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer that loves building cool stuff! I want to share my passion and enthusiasm for Engineering through awesome projects! Alon…

Wood is an amazing material but its main disadvantage is the massive mess it makes. Therefore, today's project is going to be a dustproof area that will contain the dust and prevent it from spreading throughout the workshop.


What you will need:

- Wooden Planks

- Plastic Sheets

- Strong Tape

- Screws

- Wall Inser

Step 1: Step 1: Cut & Mark the Wooden Pieces to Length

Using the wall as a reference mark your wooden pieces, then cut them to length using a circular saw.
Once done, mark your holes around 20 cm apart.

Tip: You can also draw an arrow to memorize the direction of your wooden pieces.

Step 2: Step 2: Drill the Planks and the Wall

Using a 3mm bit, pre-drill your wooden pieces.
Then using the same bit mark your holes on the wall, by placing the wooden plank in place and drilling 1 mm deep in the wall.

Then using a larger drill bit, drill your walls. (Tip: Use a vacuum drilling attachment to prevent making a mess)

Finally hammer your wall inserts in place and screw the wooden pieces to the wall.

Step 3: Step 3: Install the Plastic Sheets

Using very strong tape, tape the plastic sheets together. (I used cloth tape)

After that use a stapler to staple the plastic sheets to the wooden pieces.

Step 4: Step 4: Most Important Step!

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