Introduction: Easy Headband Braid
What you'll need
- 2 small elastic bands
- 2-4 bobby pins
- Basic braiding ability
Step 1: Grab Your Section
Take a section of hair from behind the ear. If your hair is very long, you may also take your section from the corner of your nape.
Step 2: Braid Your Section
Now braid your section. If you don't know how to do a basic 3-strand braid, check out this Instructable by my fellow cosmetologist, LadyLola44
Step 3: Cross Your Braided Section Over Your Head
Once you've braided your section, cross it over your head and tuck it behind your ear with a bobby pin or two. Make any necessary adjustments to hide the side of the braid properly.
Repeat steps on the other side.
Step 4: Enjoy Your Look!
And that's it! As the title implies, this is a very easy hairstyle to accomplish, requiring minimal tools and time.
Thanks for viewing, and I hope you enjoy your look! :)