Introduction: Epoxy Resin Led Clock

About: Tecnical Teacher

Hi Maker, We are proud to present our new project. “EPOXY RESIN LED CLOCK”.

Step 1: What Is EPOXY?

Epoxy resin is known for its strong adhesive qualities, making it a versatile product in many industries. It offers resistance to heat and chemical applications, making it an ideal product for anyone needing a strong hold under pressure. Epoxy resin is also a durable product which can be used with various materials, including: wood, fabric, glass, china or metal.

Step 2: It's Not Just an Hour But Also the Animation Bomb

This project was a first. There's no other place. And now we have presented it to you. We had some epoxy. We thought what we could use it for. We did a little research and found that there wasn't an epoxy clock. We have designed. We print. We combined it with RGB. and we have brought this unique project to you.

This project also used the addressable WS2812B led. In order to show you that we used 60 LED in 1 meter for hours and 144 LED in 2 meters for minutes and seconds. Of course, arduino nano is our everything. It is a brain.

This project is divided into 3 parts. Parts;

1- Materials and Electronic Design

2- Making Epoxy

3- Assemble and Showtime

....And no more words. Ladies and Gentlemen Please Welcome “EPOXY RESIN LED CLOCK”

Step 3: Gather Materials and Tools

We will need some materials,tools and supplies for this project.

- Electronic Materials

- 3D Printable Parts

- Making Epoxy Materials

Step 4: Electronics

Electronic materials;

Arduino Nano :

WS2812B LED Strip –

HC-05 Bluetooth Module –

DS3231 RTC Real Time Clock -

Step 5: 3D Printable Parts

3D Printable parts:

1 - Clock body

2 - Mold for epoxy resin

Step 6: Epoxy Materials

Making Epoxy ;

1 - Epoxy resin

2 - Hardener

Step 7: Let's Start

Hi again, if you have come to this step, you have also provided the necessary materials. And dont waiting , we started to project.

Step 8: LED and Clock Body

We will start led assembly on clock body. If you watch our part 1 video, you see that how ı am doing this. Or you will see in pics here...

WS2812B is diffrent normal RGB led so it is a addressible LED. So you can set each one individually.

on clock body, hour had been separated, minutes and second had been separated. as you can see, For Hour, we used a version 60 led in 1 meter. For minutes and seconds, we used a version 144 led in to meter.

Step 9: Fritzing Schematic

As you can see in this picture, you will find connection details for electronic materials.

We use ;

Arduino Nano, DS3231 , HC05, WS2812B ( Hour - Minutes & Seconds)

For Hour - Pin 7

For Minutes & Seconds - Pin 5

By the way our epoxy clock will control with your phone. So, we have to need bluetooth connection. We used HC05 bluetooth module for arduino.

Step 10:

We designed for minimum area.


We used for epoxy resin and hardener. For 1kg epoxy , 800 gr resin + 200 gr hardener. Rate is changible. As you can see in pics, we are blending them about 10 min. And than epoxy will be transparent. Put them in to mold and Use lighter to destroy air bubbles.

Put in to our clock body and bring them for dry 2-3 days. And after the drying take off mold. You will rub with emery for smooth face.

Step 12: Smooth Face and Transparent View

We rub with emery. Face is bad now. But dont worry, in pics you will see, it will be clean up very easy. For this , epoxy resin dump on it. Will be transparent.

Step 13: Make a Holder

We find a PC holder stand. And unassembled it. we have some holes for wire.


Step 15: Files

If you have epoxy clock, you will need to some files. You can find below ;

3D Printer Files -

Arduino Files –

Application Apk. -

Thanks for reading time....

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