Everyday Makeup (College Student)

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Intro: Everyday Makeup (College Student)

The following instructions provide simple steps in the application of makeup for daily use. The application process may be used by beginners to the everyday users trying to cut down on time.


  1. Revlon Color Stay liquid foundation
  2. CoverGirl Coverup Stick (concealer)
  3. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder (powder)
  4. Rimmel Natural Bronzer
  5. Maybelline Nude Palette (eye shadow)
  6. CoverGirl Lash Blast Mascara
  7. Maybelline Fit Me blush
  8. Maybelline fluffy powder brush
  9. Chapstick brand chap-stick

STEP 1: Prep

You should also have all of your makeup materials ready and in front of you before you begin. When purchasing the makeup listed above, you should match the color of the makeup (specifically the foundation and the coverup) to the skin on your neck. This will help give you the most natural look. Feel free to open up the makeup containers at your local drug store and swipe a small amount on your neck to see if the color matches. When selecting a bronzer, pick a shade according to the season. Do not select a dark bronzer in the winter because that will not look natural. You may only use a darker bronzer in the summer or if you naturally have a dark complexion. You can purchase any blush color of your choice.

STEP 2: Clean

You will want to apply your makeup in a well-lit area and in front of a mirror.

It is important to start with a clean face. Wash your face with any facial cleanser of your choice and pat your skin dry with a towel.

STEP 3: Foundation

Apply the liquid foundation in fingernail-sized dots to your cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Use your fingers to gently spread out the foundation until it is blended all over your face. It is important that the makeup is completely spread out in order to achieve the most natural look. This will help even out your skin and give the rest of your makeup something to stick to. You will also want to make sure you completely blend the foundation around your neck so there are no color differences between your jaw and your neck.

STEP 4: Conceal

Using your cover up stick, gently swipe the cover up underneath your eyes, on your eyelids and on any blemishes or red spots that still appear. Use your fingers to blend the cover up into your skin. The coverup stick is thicker than your foundation and will help conceal blotchy skin for the whole day. Like the foundation, you should make sure that the coverup is completely blended in. This means that you should keep rubbing your fingers over the coverup until you cannot see any difference in color or lines of color on your skin. Leaving your coverup unblended will make your makeup look less natural.

STEP 5: Set Your Makeup

Dip your fluffy powder brush into the powder plate. Gently tap the brush on the side of the lid to shake off any excess powder. Sweep the remaining powder on the brush onto your face in circular motions. You will want to keep swiping in a circular pattern until the powder is spread out on your skin. You should focus the powder on your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. This is called your t-zone and usually gets the shiniest throughout the day. The powder will help keep your face matte (un-shiny) and it will also help your foundation stick throughout the day.

STEP 6: Bronze

Bronzer will add depth to your face and will give your skin a nice glow. Take the same fluffy brush and dip it into your bronzer. Gently swipe the bronzer on your forehead, nose, and jawline. These are the areas that the sun naturally hits your face. Bronzer should be used with caution. Too much bronzer will make your makeup look unnatural. You want to apply just enough to give your face some warmth and only in the areas previously mentioned.

STEP 7: Eyelids

This step should be completed with caution. Use the nude palette and select a light brown shade. Take the brush from the palette and sweep it through the color square in order to get the color on the brush. Gently and carefully sweep the eyeshadow using the brush. You should not press down too hard on your eyelid while completing this step to avoid injuring the eye. You may have to repeat this step a few times until the color pigment clearly appears.

STEP 8: Mascara

This step should be completed with caution. Mascara helps define your eyes and lengthens your eyelashes. To begin with this step, open the mascara container. Since the wand has been sitting in the container, it is already covered in mascara and there is no need to dip your wand back in the container (doing so may put bubbles in your mascara which can your makeup clumpy). Starting at the base (near your eyelids) and keeping your eyes open, swipe the mascara on the underside of the lashes. You should go very slowly and stay focused on applying the mascara in order to avoid poking yourself in the eye with the wand. You should only apply mascara to your upper eyelashes. After you have applied one coat or mascara, wait a few seconds and apply a second coat.

STEP 9: Blush

Blush helps to give your face some color and helps finish off the makeup look. Using the brush in the blush container, swipe the blush onto your apples of your cheeks. In order to find the apples of your cheeks, you should smile. The apples of your cheeks are where your cheeks bulge out.

STEP 10: Chapstick (optional)

Swipe colorless chapstick across your upper and lower lips in order to moisturize your lips while still keeping the look natural for class. This may be reapplied throughout the day.


This looks too complicated... Happy to be a guy!!

Thanks for the tutorial. I hope we see more posts from you in the future!