Introduction: Clamps...- Mulitfunction Tools
The other day I was doing one of those big glue and clamp jobs& and just couldnt find my last clamp& looking widely around the shed for an alternative I picked up the Plumber Stillson Wrench&
What you need:
>Plumber Pipe wrench (big enough to span your edges)
>Regular clamp
>Your project
>Scrap wood to protect the project
What you need:
>Plumber Pipe wrench (big enough to span your edges)
>Regular clamp
>Your project
>Scrap wood to protect the project
Step 1: 1.) Pre Tension
First put the regular clamp on close to where you want to position the Pipe wrench, and do it up tight. - sufficient to press the parts to gether to the desired requirement
Step 2: 2.) Place
Now place the Pipe Wrench on next to the clamp with the jaws on each side. If you dont want to mark the timber then place some packing wood in between the jars and the projects before then winding the jaws shut.
You dont have as much leverage as a regular clamp - hence the pre tensioning
You dont have as much leverage as a regular clamp - hence the pre tensioning
Step 3: 3.) in Position
Take the regular clamp off and you have just got another multifunctional tool added to your collection..
Thanks to the makers of Pipe Wrenchs and Vice grips.
Thanks to the makers of Pipe Wrenchs and Vice grips.