Introduction: Eyeglass Repair With Sugru
Sugru is great for repairs. This is how you can replace the nose pads on your glasses.
[This instructable was created by members of MakeICT, a makerspace in Wichita, Kansas.]
[This instructable was created by members of MakeICT, a makerspace in Wichita, Kansas.]
Step 1: Pad Removal
If the nose pads are still on your glasses, remove them to use for sizing. If they won't come off, you can use Sugru to add padding or build the pads up to better fit your nose. In this case, one pad broke off and was damaged, so a replacement was needed.
Step 2: Form the New Pads
Break off two pieces of Sugru, ensuring that they are the same size. Rolling the two pieces into balls is a good way to make sure they are similarly sized. Take the two pieces and roll them out to the approximate length of the pads. Begin forming them with your fingers into the desired shape.
Step 3: Attach the New Pads
Now that your new pads have the basic shape needed, gently attach them to the glasses. Continue forming them with your fingers while pushing firmly to ensure good contact with the frame.
Step 4: Test the Fit
Now that you have new pads, you can fit them to your nose. While the Sugru is still moldable, put on the glasses and adjust for a comfortable fit. Remove the glasses, make sure the Sugru is still attached properly, and let sit to cure.