Introduction: Fabric Radio/walkie-talkie Case
I wanted to make my dad something for his birthday that he could use not a stupid little tie magnets that he puts on the fridge to get moldy Dusty forlorn and forgotten so I grabbed his HAM radio when he was at work. now you to can join the useful present revolution and give a gift someone will actually enjoy
Step 1: What You'll Need
two pieces of fabric
Velcro peices
oh and a radio of course!
Velcro peices
oh and a radio of course!
Step 2: Trace
trace the radio on to the fabrics on one piece draw a flap an inch longer than the bottom of the radio * draw the flap on the bottom* (note make sure the sides will wrap around the radio completely on the top trace the antenna half way
Step 3: Cut Out
not much more explanation needed
Step 4: Sew
sew one side all the way DO NOT sew on the flap
Step 5: Sew the Other Side
same as other side
Step 6: Tie the Two Sides
at the Antenna
Step 7: Add Velcro
to the flap
Step 8: New Step
Step 9: Done
done enjoy!