Introduction: Fast and Cheap Minion

Tired of traveling life's journey alone? Still looking for that special someone? why not build your own minion cheap and easy.

Step 1: Materials:

1 salvaged onetime use helium tank (free)
1 pair toddler shoes ($2 thrift shop)
2 recycled canned chicken cans (free)
assortment of cheap paint brushes ($3)
5 minute epoxy ($1 harbor freight)
1 roll masking tape ($1)
paint: yellow, blue, white, black, green, brown.

Step 2: Tools:

1. something to cut metal. I used a small grinder.
2. tin snips
3. hammer
4. sander / sand paper.

Step 3: Feet:

let's start from the bottom up...Feet.
Using a grinder I cut the tank's handles close to the base.
This allowed me to bend the handles slightly to create feet for my new buddy. I then had to try on the shoes.

Step 4: Gender Reclassification:

Due to the orientation of the new feet the balloon inflation nozzle created an unfortunate visual distraction. Luckily it was resolved with a few wacks with a sturdy hammer.

Step 5: Goggles:

Next up was the fitting of the iconic specticals.
For the goggles I used a couple canned chicken cans I had saved from the recycle bin.
I cut them with the tin snips to the desired goggle shape. This was just trial and error.
Once I got the right shape I mixed up some 5 minute epoxy and glued them on.

Step 6: Body Paint:

Now it's time to paint. I'd like to say that I spent a lot of time sanding and priming but I didn't. I just taped off the goggles and shot my new buddy an awesome banana yellow.

Step 7: Finishing Touches:

Now it's time to add all the detail that make your new little buddy special.
I orginally was going to do this with spray paints, but instead I raided my daughter's art supplies and used her acrylic paints. Which were much easier to clean and easier on the nose.

Step 8: Finish:

Now you'll always have someone to watch your back.
Your very own minion.