Introduction: Fingertip Over Local Network Via Windows

Access Handshake Domains from an phone (even over SSL/https!) by connecting to fingertip running from a Windows PC/Laptop on the same network


Any Windows based computer. I have only tested Windows 11, but should work on older versions.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Required prerequisites

  • git
  • choco
  • go
  • ordinary fingertip from

Check if you have git by running the below command

git version

If it doesn't show up install git for windows from

Check if you have choco by running


If it doesn't show up install choco from

Check if you have go installed by running

go version

If it doesn't show up install go from

Step 2: Download and Setup

Create a directory in an easily accessible location. This will be for the application files

Navigate to the directory in cmd

Run the below commands to install fingertip

git clone
cd fingertip
choco install mingw

Step 3: Allow Use on Local Network

Find your local IP by running


Your local IP will be listed in the Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi section as IPv4 address.

It should be something like

Edit fingertip\internal\config\user.go and change all references to to the IP address you got above. Don't change the port

Step 4: Build Fingertip


go build -trimpath -o ./builds/windows/  -ldflags "-H windowsgui"

Copy the file from fingertip\builds\windows\fingertip.exe and replace the old one in C:\Users\natha\AppData\Local\Fingertip with it

Step 5: Run and Check If It Works on PC

Close any running instances of fingertip and run the new one you copied to C:\Users\natha\AppData\Local\Fingertip

Click help from the fingertip menu

It should open your browser to the fingertip site. If any of the Certificate installed, Browser using Fingertip, or DNS Interference Test return No/Failed. Follow the instructions in the manual setup page.

Test if it works by visiting a handshake site like https://nathan.woodburn/

Step 6: Setup on Android Phone

Visit the url on the phone that you visited on the PC in the step above (the fingertip dashboard). It should be your local IP and the port 9590 (eg.

Go to the manual setup page.

Click download certificate

Follow these instructions to install the certificate on your android

In Android 11, to install a CA certificate, users need to manually:

  • Open settings
  • Go to 'Security'
  • Go to 'Encryption & Credentials'
  • Go to 'Install from storage'
  • Select 'CA Certificate' from the list of types available
  • Accept a large scary warning
  • Browse to the certificate file on the device and open it
  • Confirm the certificate install

For other phones just Google: Install a CA certificate for <Phone Type/version>

Then set the proxy by:

  • Open settings
  • Go to 'Network & Internet'
  • Go to 'Wi-Fi'
  • Click the cog next to the network your windows device is connected to
  • Click the edit (a pencil/pen)
  • Click Proxy and set to 'Proxy Auto-config'
  • Type in the value as shown in the manual setup in the fingertip dashboard (note should be your PC's local IP followed by ':9590/proxy.pac' also note the 'http://')
  • Save

Step 7: Setup on IOS Phone

Google or ask someone who knows iOS

Step 8: Test on Your Phone

Visit some handshake sites

First test a http one like http://nathan.woodburn/

Then feel free to test https://nathan.woodburn/

If this doesn't work visit the fingertip dashboard site on your phone and make sure all status are green.

Step 9: Get Help

If you still need help contact me by emailing or ping me on the Namer Discord (@Nathan.Woodburn/)