Introduction: Flight Helmet Tape Job

About: A jack of all trades and a master of many; After 60 years on this planet I can truly say 'been there, done that', but I can also admit I can never stop learning something new. An eternal optimist, I keep hopin…

You're looking at a reflective tape job that I did on my flight helmet in flight school. The goal was to cover at least 75% of the helmet with reflective tape (in orange, red and/or white) so that you could be spotted at night for a easy pickup at sea. There is another dragon on the other side blowing flames at the one you see on this side. The dragons are made from [green] reflective tape too. With this design I not only got approval but I won a few squadron contests with it.

To take this photo I stuck a fish-eye lens on my 35mm and suction-cupped it to the dash. I set the timer and started doing some precision acrobatics. This photo was taken at about 35,000 ft going into a barrel role. The second photo was taken just after I landed for my scrapbook.