Introduction: Float in Outer Space!
Fast and simple way to make it look like you are floating in space!
Step 1: You Will Need to Download One App for This, KnockOut- It's Free.
Step 2: Open Up the App and Click ''cut Out''
Step 3: Take a Picture of Yourself Doing a Goofy Pose, It's Better to Make It Look Like You Are Floating.
Step 4: Select the 'lasso' Feature and Outline Your Picture.
Step 5: Now Select the 'erase' Feature and Erase Any Other Parts That Are Not Your Body.
Step 6: Save It and Go Back to the Home Screen, Click the Blend Feature.
Step 7: Now Go Find a Background You Like and Select Your Picture and Then Drag It Over the Background.
Step 8: I Made Another, Once You Have One Picture of Yourself There's Endless Possibilities.
Step 9:
Hope you enjoyed!