Introduction: Flying Paper Cube!
Have you seen all the cool paper airplanes that people can make, but you just cannot? Those airplanes can fly long distances, do tricks, and look cool. This paper cube out rules all of the paper airplanes. I bet you have never seen someone flying a paper cube before! The flying paper cube can be just like all the airplanes! You can customize it and throw it far longer distances than airplanes can fly. Now go ahead and make your extremely easyFLYING PAPER CUBE!
Step 1: What You Need:
All you need is two sheets of strong paper (8 1/2 by 11 inches) {It can be any color}
4 Craft Sticks
Decorations for your cube (OPTIONAL)
Step 2: Cut the Paper
Cut the paper in half.
Step 3: Fold the Paper
Fold the paper in half. (like a book)
Step 4: Fold More!
Open the folded paper. On the short ends of the paper,fold a short (about 1cm) crease to make it easier to put together.
Step 5: Putting It Together
Put 2 creased edges together and tape it. Repeat with the other creases.Re-fold the creases to ensure a cube shape. Add your craft sticks inside your cube.
Step 6: Make Wings
Cut triangular pieces from your second piece of paper. At the long side of the triangles make a short (about 1cm) fold. Tape to the sides of the cube.
Step 7: Enjoy!
Now you have a flyable,easy to make cube looks so futuristic! This cube can fly very far from my experiment. Hold it with both havds and throw it gently and watch it fly! Have fun with your Flying Cube!